Press Releases for handhel

  • 765

    Portable Car GPS Vs In-car GPS DVD Player

    Powerful car gps analysis: portable gps navigator vs dvd players with gps. Have you been consufed about buying and which is your best suitable for you? TradingMIC's experts will give you some insight to help you now...

    By : | 09-11-2013 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 765

  • 684

    eGestalt's New HI-SCAN Tool Paves Way for HIPAA Security and Compliance Automation on the Quick

    eGestalt Technologies, announced HI-SCAN, a quick and inexpensive way for healthcare service providers to quickly identify and manage high-risk medical practices and business associates that are short on fulfilling HIPAA/HITECH compliance requirements.

    By : | 11-11-2011 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 684

  • 610

    eGestalt Named a 2011 Tech Innovator for 'Managed Services' by UBM Channel's CRN

    eGestalt Technologies, announced today that its SecureGRC solution was named a runner-up in the Managed Services category at the 9th annual CRN 2011 Tech Innovator awards ceremony.

    By : | 10-25-2011 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 610

  • 615

    Unbound Gamer exist to provide a friendly and active community for all interested in portable games

    Gamers can now get all the latest portable gaming information, previews, news and reviews, all at one place. This is a revolutionary concept, where gamers get to know their counterparts and share the experience through the powerful community features of the website.

    By : | 09-22-2011 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 615

  • 622

    Rugged Handheld RFID Reader/Mobile Computer

    This rugged handheld RFID reader/mobile computer is an ideal solution for any number of vertical markets such as asset tracking and inventory management.

    By : | 08-08-2011 | Technology:Electronics | Total Views : 622

  • 615

    Unique Tonometer DIATON Presented at Optometry’s Meeting AOA/AOSA to 1000’s of Optometrists. Non-cor

    The only non-corneal and non-contact tonometer Diaton now enables optometrists and other healthcare professionals who provide primary vision care to test intraocular pressure (IOP) for glaucoma Through the EYELID. Quick and painless, handheld Diaton pen-like tonometer readings are not affected by contact lenses or other corneal properties.

    By : | 07-02-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 615

  • 585

    IDentify-It Expands into Mobile Handheld Computers Market

    IDentify-It online, the UK’s internet based store for custom labels, label applicators and label dispensers has launched a series of innovative new products to target the rapidly expanding market of mobile computers.

    By : | 04-16-2011 | Consumer:Web sites | Total Views : 585

  • 783

    High Frequency Rugged Handheld RFID Reader/Writer

    This HF rugged RFID reader/writer is an ideal solution for any number of vertical markets — asset tracking and inventory management, event attendance or personnel access control, fleet maintenance, in the warehouse or on the hospital floor.

    By : | 01-10-2011 | Economy:Economy | Total Views : 783

  • 714 Now Offering The Easy Vape Digital For Only $60! is a Herbal Vaporizer distributor that offers the best vaporizers at the best prices online. Compared to the top Vaporizer sites on the internet, has some of the best prices available for vaporizers. Make sure to make your next vaporizer purchase from

    By : | 11-01-2010 | Health and Fitness:Diet Or Weight Loss | Total Views : 714